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Configuring Your CLI

You can configure the behavior of oclif inside your CLI or plugin's package.json or using an rc file.

In you use the package.json, all of the configuration options should be placed under the oclif section. For example:

"name": "my-cli",
"version": "1.2.3",
"dependencies": {
"@oclif/core": "^3"
"oclif": {
"bin": "mycli",
"dirname": "mycli",
"commands": "./dist/commands",
"topicSeparator": " "

If you'd like to use an rc file, then you do not need to put the configuration under oclif. For instance:


module.exports = {
bin: "mycli",
dirname: "mycli",
commands: "./dist/commands",
topicSeparator: " "

The following rc files are supported:


Here's a list of all the options that you can configure.

additionalHelpFlagsArray of flags that should trigger help output in addition to --help
additionalVersionFlagsArray of flags that should trigger version output in addition to --version
aliasesAliases for the plugin. This is used to support legacy plugins that have been renamed
binCLI bin name (e.g. sf, heroku, git, etc...)
binAliasesAn array of strings that will all execute the CLI's bin. See Aliases for more
dirnameDirectory name to use when determining CLI's config, cache, and data directories.
commandsWhere oclif can find command classes. See Command Discovery Strategies for more
descriptionDescription of your plugin or CLI to show in help
devPluginsList of plugins that will only be loaded in development. See Plugins for more
exitCodesConfigured exit codes. See Exit Codes section below
flexibleTaxonomySet to true to enable flexible taxonomy
helpClassLocation of compiled custom help class
helpOptionsSettings for configuring behavior of help output. See Help Options section below
hooksRegister your plugin or CLI's hooks. See hooks for more
jitPluginsRegister plugins that can be installed just in time. See Just-in-Time Plugin Installation for more
macosSettings for building macos installer. See Releasing for more
nsisCustomizationA path to a .nsis file that's used to customize the installer for Windows. See nsis-custom for more
pluginsList of plugins that should be loaded. See Plugins for more
stateSet the state of your CLI or plugin to be shown in help (e.g. beta will show This CLI is in beta)
themePath to theme file to include with your CLI. See Themes for more
topicSeparatorThe separator to use between topics - only colons (":") and spaces (" ") are supported
topicsDefine your CLI's topics. See Topics for more
windowsSettings for building windows installer. See Releasing for more

Exit Codes

You can configure the desired exit codes for the following errors:

  • default - default exit code for any error.
  • failedFlagParsing - exit code when oclif fails to parse a flag's value.
  • failedFlagValidation - exit code when a flag fails it's own validation.
  • invalidArgsSpec - exit code when a command defines an invalid args configuration.
  • nonExistentFlag - exit code when user provides a non-existent flag.
  • requiredArgs - exit code when user fails to provide a required arg.
  • unexpectedArgs - exit code when user provides unexpected args to a command.

Help Options

You can configure the behavior of the help output with the following:

  • docopts - Use docopts as the usage. Defaults to true.
  • flagSortOrder - Order in which to sort flags in help output. Can be alphabetical (default) or none (flags will appear in the order they were defined).
  • hideAliasesFromRoot - If true, hide command aliases from the root help output. Defaults to false.
  • hideCommandSummaryInDescription - By default, the command summary is show at the top of the help and as the first line in the command description. Repeating the summary in the command description improves readability especially for long command help output. If there is no command.summary, the first line of the description is treated as the summary. Some CLIs, especially with very simple commands, may not want the duplication.
  • maxWidth - Maximum column width of the help output.
  • sections - Only show the help for the specified sections. Defaults to all sections.
  • sendToStderr - By default, the help output is sent to stdout. If this is true, it will be sent to stderr.
  • showFlagNameInTitle - By default, titles show flag values as <value>. Some CLI developers may prefer titles to show the flag name as the value. i.e. --myflag=myflag instead of --myflag=<value>. An individual flag can set this using
  • showFlagOptionsInTitle - By default, option values on flags are shown in the flag's description. This is because long options list ruin the formatting of help. If a CLI knows all commands will not do this, it can be turned off at a help level using this property. An individual flag can set this using flag.helpValue=options.join('|').
  • stripAnsi - Strip ansi characters from help out to remove all formatting.
  • usageHeader - Override the header for the USAGE section.

If you want to further customize help, you can implement a Custom Help Class.