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Running Commands Programmatically

If you need to run a command from another, or programmatically run a command in another codebase, there are a couple options.

First, it is generally a bad idea to run a command directly as the command exports a user interface, not a code interface. It's a design smell that should rarely (if ever) be used. Generally speaking, it's better to break up the code so that it can be called directly rather than as a command. We'll show this better method first.

Sharing code with modules

For example, suppose you have a config list command that outputs config vars of an app to the terminal.


export class ConfigList extends Command {
static flags = {
app: Flags.string({required: true})

async run() {
const {flags} = await this.parse(ConfigList)
const config = await api.get(`/apps/${}/config-vars`)
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) {

Then suppose you have another command, config update, that updates the app's configuration and finally displays the new config vars to the terminal.

Since both config list and config update need to display the config vars in the exact same way, you should create a new module, function, or class that's responsible for creating the display.

For example:


import {displayConfigVars} from '../displayConfigVars'

export class ConfigUpdate extends Command {
static flags = {
app: Flags.string({required: true})

async run() {
const {flags} = await this.parse(ConfigUpdate)
await this.doUpdate(
await displayConfigVars(


export async function displayConfigVars(app: string) {
const config = await api.get(`/apps/${app}config-vars`)
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(config)) {

This is the recommended way to share code. This can be extended further by putting shared code into its own npm package.

Calling commands directly

Still, if you really want to call a command directly, it's easy to do. You have a couple of options.

If you know that the command you want to run is installed in the CLI, you can use this.config.runCommand. For this, we could write our config update command like so:


export class ConfigUpdate extends Command {
static flags = {
app: Flags.string({required: true})

async run() {
const {flags} = await this.parse(ConfigUpdate)
await this.doUpdate(
await this.config.runCommand('config:list', ['--global'])

The second option is to import the command directly and execute it directly like so:


import {ConfigList} from './config/list'

export class ConfigUpdate extends Command {
static flags = {
app: Flags.string({required: true})

async run() {
const {flags} = await this.parse(ConfigUpdate)
await this.doUpdate(

This works because commands have a static .run() method on them that can be used to instantiate the command and run the instance .run() method. It takes in the argv as input to the command.

But, again, we strongly encourage you to avoid these options. It's far better to extract any shared logic out of a Command class.