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Inside a command, this.config provides access to the Config class, which contains useful properties and methods you can use in your command. Here are a list of its methods and properties:

  • name - name of CLI
  • version - Version of the CLI.
  • pjson - Parsed CLI package.json.
  • bin - CLI bin name
  • cacheDir - CLI cache directory
    • macOS: ~/Library/Caches/mycli
    • Unix: ~/.cache/mycli
    • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\mycli
    • Can be overridden with XDG_CACHE_HOME
  • configDir - CLI config directory
    • Unix: ~/.config/mycli
    • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\mycli
    • Can be overridden with XDG_CONFIG_HOME
  • dataDir - CLI data directory
    • Unix: ~/.data/mycli
    • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\mycli
    • Can be overridden with XDG_DATA_HOME
  • dirname - dirname used with cacheDir|configDir|dataDir. Can be overridden in package.json.
  • errlog - path to error log inside of cacheDir
  • home - user home directory
  • platform - operating system darwin|linux|win32
  • arch - process architecture x64|x86
  • shell - current shell in use
  • userAgent - user-agent intended for http calls. example: mycli/1.2.3 (darwin-x64) node-9.0.0
  • windows - boolean
  • npmRegistry - current npm registry to use with the plugins plugin
  • plugins - loaded plugins
  • commands - all commands in CLI
  • default - default cli command
  • topics - all topics in CLI
  • commandIDs - string IDs of all commands
  • async runHook(event, opts) - trigger a hook
  • async runCommand(id, opts) - Run a command
  • scopedEnvVar(key) - Return the value of a scoped env var (e.g. \<CLI>_NPM_REGISTRY)
  • scopedEnvVarKey(key) - Return the name of a scoped env var (e.g. \<CLI>_NPM_REGISTRY)
  • scopedEnvVarTrue(key) - Return true/false value of scoped env var (e.g. \<CLI>_NPM_REGISTRY)

Custom User Configuration

Often it's useful to have a custom configuration for your users. One way to implement this is to read a config.json file from the CLI's config directory:

import { Command } from "@oclif/core";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as path from "path";

export class extends Command {
async run() {
const userConfig = await fs.readJSON(
path.join(this.config.configDir, "config.json")

this.log("User config:");

To share this logic between different commands, use a base class.