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oclif supports performance tracking out of the box - both for oclif and you own code. You can enable it in one of two ways depending on how you've implemented your bin scripts.

If you're using the bin scripts that come from the generator, you can simply set performanceEnabled on the settings module:

How to Enable

#!/usr/bin/env node

import {execute, settings} from '@oclif/core'
settings.performanceEnabled = true
await execute({dir: import.meta.url})

You can also enable it on the Config class directly if that works better for your CLI:

import {Config, run} from '@oclif/core'
import {fileUrlToPath} from 'node:url'

const config = await Config.load({
root: resolve(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '..');,
enablePerf: true

await run(config)

Accessing oclif-specific performance metrics

Once performance is enabled, you can see the in the debug output under the oclif:perf scope.

❯ DEBUG=oclif:perf sf version
@salesforce/cli/2.35.6 darwin-arm64 node-v20.11.0
oclif:perf Process Uptime: 747.6823ms +0ms
oclif:perf Oclif Time: 302.1286ms +0ms
oclif:perf Init Time: 37.7735ms +0ms
oclif:perf Config Load Time: 294.5321ms +0ms
oclif:perf • Root Plugin Load Time: 11.2781ms +0ms
oclif:perf • Plugins Load Time: 274.6006ms +0ms
oclif:perf • Commands Load Time: 6.7736ms +0ms
oclif:perf Core Plugin Load Time: 20.9403ms +0ms
oclif:perf User Plugin Load Time: 0.0000ms +0ms
oclif:perf Linked Plugin Load Time: 2.3124ms +0ms
oclif:perf Plugin Load Times: +0ms
oclif:perf oclif-hello-world: 239.1951ms (no manifest!) +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-update: 18.8549ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-autocomplete: 17.5277ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-commands: 16.4917ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-not-found: 16.3310ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-search: 15.8846ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-version: 14.8063ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-org: 14.5657ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-data: 14.3991ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available: 14.3733ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-which: 14.1629ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-apex: 13.9885ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-auth: 13.6895ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-deploy-retrieve: 13.6353ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-limits: 13.1123ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-packaging: 12.9777ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-info: 12.7787ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-marketplace: 12.1542ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-source: 11.9480ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-schema: 11.7775ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-settings: 11.4785ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-templates: 11.4225ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-sobject: 11.3670ms +0ms
oclif:perf root: 11.2781ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-user: 10.8521ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-telemetry: 10.5724ms +1ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-trust: 10.4463ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-plugins: 2.0135ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-help: 1.9039ms +0ms
oclif:perf Hook Run Times: +0ms
oclif:perf init: +0ms
oclif:perf total: 37.4624ms +0ms
oclif:perf oclif-hello-world(./dist/hooks/init/init): 7.9818ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available(./lib/hooks/init/check-update): 37.1145ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-settings(./lib/hooks/init/load_config_meta): 29.3073ms +0ms
oclif:perf @oclif/plugin-update(./dist/hooks/init.js): 33.1767ms +0ms
oclif:perf prerun: +0ms
oclif:perf total: 260.5702ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/cli(./dist/hooks/prerun): 2.3582ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/plugin-telemetry(./lib/hooks/telemetryPrerun.js): 260.2634ms +0ms
oclif:perf preparse: +0ms
oclif:perf total: 0.5351ms +0ms
oclif:perf @salesforce/cli(/dist/hooks/preparse): 0.5045ms +0ms
oclif:perf postrun: +0ms
oclif:perf total: 0.3507ms +0ms
oclif:perf Command Load Time: 0.7478ms +0ms
oclif:perf Command Run Time: 264.2587ms +0ms

You can also access these metrics programmatically like so:

const {Performance, flush, handle, run, settings} = await import('@oclif/core')
settings.performanceEnabled = true
await run(process.argv.slice(2))
.catch(async (error) => handle(error))
.finally(async () => {
console.log('Performance', Performance.oclifPerf)
await flush()

Using Performance for your code

You can also use the Performance class to capture performance metrics on your own code base.

To capture performance metrics for a block of code, you need to create a new marker using Performance.mark. You then need to call the .stop method the marker to finish timing that block of code.

Here's a brief example:

import {Performance} from '@oclif/core'
// Create a new marker.
// First argument is the owner of the marker (This allows Performance to be able to distinguish the origin of each marker)
// Second argument is the name of the maker. Naming convention that oclif uses internally is <module>.<method>#scope. You are free, however, to name these however you like.
const marker = Performance.mark('my-plugin', '')

// do things that take a while.

// Add details to the marker that you might want to access later
marker?.addDetails({from: flags.from, person: args.person})
// Stop the marker. This will capture the amount of time between the creation of the marker and the stopping of the marker.

And a more thorough example:

// ./src/commands/hello/index.ts
import {Args, Command, Flags, Performance} from '@oclif/core'

export default class Hello extends Command {
static args = {
person: Args.string({description: 'Person to say hello to', required: true}),

static flags = {
from: Flags.string({char: 'f', description: 'Who is saying hello', required: true}),

async run(): Promise<void> {
const {args, flags} = await this.parse(Hello)
const marker = Performance.mark('my-plugin', '')
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
marker?.addDetails({from: flags.from, person: args.person})
this.log(`hello ${args.person} from ${flags.from}! (./src/commands/hello/index.ts)`)

All the markers you create will be accessible on the static results property on Performance:

// bin/run.js
const {Performance, flush, handle, run, settings} = await import('@oclif/core')
settings.performanceEnabled = true
await run(process.argv.slice(2))
.catch(async (error) => handle(error))
.finally(async () => {
console.log('Results', Performance.results)
await flush()
❯ bin/run.js hello reader --from oclif
hello reader from oclif! (./src/commands/hello/index.ts)
Results Map(1) {
'my-plugin' => [
details: {
from: oclif,
person: reader
duration: 1003.4971249999999,
method: 'run',
module: 'hello',
name: '',
scope: undefined